Internet Connection Provides Advantage for Students

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Spectrum Internet

A fast, reliable Internet connection is an essential part of life in today’s world. A Michigan State University study shows that students in Michigan without Internet access are at a disadvantage compared to students who have access to the internet.

The study, titled “Broadband and Student Performance Gaps,” partnered with 15 Michigan school districts from Mecosta County, St. Clair County, and the Eastern Upper Peninsula from Tahquamenon to St. Ignace and Sault Ste. Marie. The results of the report showed that rural middle and high school students are more likely to fall behind in homework, grades, digital skills, and standardized tests due to slow or limited Internet access at home. Additionally, these educational hurdles negatively impact a student’s academic success, college admissions, and career opportunities.

Dr. Tim Hall, superintendent of the Sault Area schools, explains, “If we truly want to give our kids a competitive advantage, they need access to reliable broadband services.” Schools may offer Internet access, but the learning does not stop after the bell rings. The world is becoming more connected, and students must have Internet access at home to learn and keep up with their academic work.

Students from rural and socioeconomically disadvantaged students are less likely to have broadband Internet access at home. The study also found that students who do not have Internet access at home are less likely to intend on completing a college degree. This often correlates with a deficit in digital skills, lower standardized test scores, and being less interested in careers related to science, technology, engineering, and math (or STEM).

Students who had limited Internet access and maybe only used their cell phones to connect to the Internet struggled to utilize resources available online. So, the hurdle isn’t just a lack of access to a computer or a phone, but also slow connectivity or caps on data from service providers. This means that gaps in broadband access can have a socioeconomic effect on entire communities.

There are a few options for broadband in the Michigan area, and Spectrum is one of the most common because of its bundle packages. Spectrum Internet offers no data caps, includes a modem, provides access to Wifi hotspots across the nation, and features download speeds of 100 Mbps. Spectrum bundle packages also cover fiber, cable internet, and phone services (mobile and home landlines). You can reach Spectrum at 855-460-4353.

American culture is continually developing, and if we want our students to excel in any area, they must have access to Internet both at school and at home. A service provider like Spectrum not only offers just internet, but also mobile, landline, and TV services all in one package. You can choose what you and your family need with a Spectrum package.

If you are a parent of a student, Internet access will give them the freedom to not only keep up with schoolwork, but also excel in all academic areas they are interested in. Other service providers have caps on the amount of data you can access. With Spectrum Internet, you will not have caps on your Internet usage, allowing you unlimited access on your computer or mobile phone.

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