Spectrum TV and Spectrum Streaming Shows

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Picture this—you’re relaxing in your break room at work and everybody’s talking about that hot new show. The drama, the suspense, the intriguing and good-looking characters—it sounds exactly like a show that you’d love. You ask your co-worker where you can watch the show and she tells you to stream it. Stream it? Now you’re wondering why you’re paying hundreds of dollars to DirecTV or your add-on DVR service if you can’t stream or watch the shows everyone’s talking about.

On top of that, it seems like you only have a handful of channels, or at least just a few channels that you actually care about watching. It’s no wonder that so many people are cutting the cord and switching to streaming services. Sure, DirecTV offers hundreds of channels and live sports events, but it costs an arm and a leg. Now, you completely regret paying so much to your cable provider.

Does this sound like you? If it doesn’t, are you instead hesitant because you might not be able to watch live TV? Now with Spectrum TV, you can enjoy your favorite channels as well as other premium channels to elevate your watching experience.

Now you can watch your favorite channels, or stream from premium channels like HBO, Starz, Cinemax, and more! Watch that show everyone’s talking about, watch live sports, and enjoy more HD channels than any other provider.

No matter what you like to watch, Spectrum TV lets you stream it. And the best part? You can watch it anywhere. Let’s face it, we don’t spend a lot of time at home, and Spectrum lets you watch your favorites anywhere. You never have to miss any of your favorites, no matter where you are!

No other cable provider or DVR service offers you such complete control of your TV experience like this. You get to call the shots when it comes to watching Spectrum TV Channels. Get complete control of your TV experience, exploring new shows, catching up on ones you missed, and rebingeing your favorite series—you’ll never miss out again!

So don’t be the one who misses out on all the popular shows and movies. Now you can watch all of your favorites and know exactly what everyone is talking about! When your coworkers are talking about that hot new show, you can join right in on the conversation…and even watch ahead! Now they can catch up with you!



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*For 1 year with Auto Pay


Up to 300 Mbps (may vary)

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150 + Popular TV Channels

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For 12 mos with Auto Pay


Up to 300 Mbps

Available for CONTRACT BUYOUT up to $500*****



per month
For 12 mos with Auto Pay


Up to 300 Mbps

TV Select Signature

150 + Popular TV Channels


Available for CONTRACT
BUYOUT up to $500*****


per month
For 12 mos with Auto Pay


Up to 300 Mbps

TV Select Signature

150 + Popular TV Channels

Voice Home Phone

Unlimited calling

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