Spectrum Landline Home Phone

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Why You Should Still Have a Home Phone

Let’s face it—having a home phone now is almost obsolete, as just about every household is switching to wireless. Most of us are satisfied just using our mobile phone due to its convenience—and the fact that the average American only spends about 2.9 hours a day at home (not counting the time we’re asleep).

To most, a home phone is just another unnecessary monthly bill you have to pay, and even those who still have a home phone rarely use it. When you really think about it, how would a home phone service survive in today’s world where fewer households even use a home phone? Spectrum Home defies the odds and offers a home phone service that households really can’t do without.

Sound Quality and Reception

When you talk on your cell phone, the device wirelessly transmits the signal to the nearest cell tower. In contrast, your home phone uses a hard line connection. Even when you use a cordless handset, the signal is only transmitted a short distance.

This means that compared to cell phones, you’ll get better signal reception and far less interference or dropouts on a home phone—especially when calling from a basement or dead areas that don’t get consistently strong service from a cell tower. A mobile phone’s wireless signal has a harder time traveling a long distance or pushing through that much metal, dirt, and concrete without being disrupted.

With Spectrum Voice’s reliable service, you’ll never get better quality or service, as Spectrum Voice offers the best reception with no dropped calls.

A Smarter Connected Home

Long gone are the days where you had to wait for someone to get off the phone to use your Internet at home. Now, modern home phones have advanced features that integrate with other devices already in your home. With Spectrum Home, integrating has never been easier, enabling you to get Universal Caller ID on your TV and smartphones. You’ll also have access to readable voicemail, text messaging, “Do Not Disturb” mode, and a “Locate Me” function.

With over 28 amazing phone features, Spectrum Voice makes home phones relevant again and a must-have in every home. On top of that, Spectrum supports multiple home phone handsets from a single base, making it ideal for homes everywhere.

Home Phones Are Cheaper

Today, smartphones can do almost everything, including streaming, web browsing, international calling, and so much more. But at what cost? $200 a month? $300? Add the extra cost of calling overseas or going over your data limit, and your phone bill can soar upward of $400.

Home phone service is much cheaper, allowing you to take calls in just one place instead of having to pay for multiple lines. The home phone bundles that most companies offer include savings with a lot of perks you don’t see from a cell phone carrier.

Spectrum offers a lot of great bundles as well as reliable service, allowing you to call all over the world with no dropped calls—as well as the fastest and most accurate connection to emergency services.

Landlines used to be a thing of the past, with many American households abandoning their home phones for their mobile devices. But what they don’t know is how much they’re missing out on the many benefits of having reliable home phone service. Check out the Spectrum Voice to view all the benefits and features…



per month
*For 1 year with Auto Pay


Up to 300 Mbps (may vary)

TV Select Signature

150 + Popular TV Channels

Voice Home Phone

Unlimited calling

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per month
For 12 mos with Auto Pay


Up to 300 Mbps

Available for CONTRACT BUYOUT up to $500*****



per month
For 12 mos with Auto Pay


Up to 300 Mbps

TV Select Signature

150 + Popular TV Channels


Available for CONTRACT
BUYOUT up to $500*****


per month
For 12 mos with Auto Pay


Up to 300 Mbps

TV Select Signature

150 + Popular TV Channels

Voice Home Phone

Unlimited calling

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